2010 R.E. Taylor Student Poster Award

Call for Applications:

R.E. Taylor Student Poster Award Competition at ISA 2010

As a result of a collaborative effort with the International Symposium on Archaeometry, the Society for Archaeological Sciences will acknowledge an outstanding student poster by granting the R. E. Taylor Award, consisting of 100 US dollars and a one-year subscription to the SAS Bulletin.

This prestigious award is named in honor of Professor Emeritus R. Ervin Taylor of the University of California at Riverside for his outstanding contributions in the development and application of radiocarbon dating in archaeological research and dedication to the founding of the Society for Archaeological Sciences, for his leading role as President (1980) and General Secretary (1981-2002) and his committed service as editor of the SAS Bulletin.

For more than a decade, receiving the Taylor R. E. award has enhanced the career of those who are now prominent young scholars and professionals. Entries will be judged on the significance of the archaeological problem, appropriateness of the methods used, soundness of conclusions, quality of the poster display, and oral presentation of the poster by the student, who should be the first author in order to compete.

Students must submit an application via email to Patrick Degryse (Patrick.Degryse@ees.kuleuven.be<mailto:Patrick.Degryse@ees.kuleuven.be>) by May 7, 2010 to be considered for this award. Applications in form of an email message must include proof of your status as an undergraduate or graduate student and a .pdf version of the poster. An email confirmation that your application has been received will be sent to you. Judges will be present in person at the ISA meeting to judge posters and to ask students questions about their research. Prizes will be awarded at the ISA meeting.

Good luck to everyone!